We love trying out new kit! It’s always interesting to see what brands are creating, whether it’s weatherproof gear to ease the pain of cycling in the UK or super stylish offerings that make the whole experience more beautiful.
This month we have an interesting selection, starting with super technical Gore Shakedry jackets for wet weather cycling. We’re also putting Gore bib shorts and jerseys through their paces, so watch this space if you’re all about practicality and braving the elements.

At the more decorative end of the scale, Matt has been testing the beautiful Vélobici René cycling jersey. In a departure from his usual palette of black, he’s been enjoying the rich red wine tone of this heritage-inspired jersey.

On the accessories side, we’re trying out the nifty Portland Reflector – a magnetic reflector that cyclists can clip on to a backpack, jacket or pannier for added visibility when cycling at night. Sometimes, it’s the small things that make all the difference.

And finally, we’re limbering up and getting athletic with CEP Ultralight Short Socks and Recovery Socks.
Watch this space!