Sex or Cycling


Sex vs Cycling: 68% of cyclists would choose a Sunday morning ride over time in bed


A survey of more than 600 cyclists across the UK has revealed that the cycling is so addictive, just one in 25 would prefer to spend Sunday morning with their partner to pedalling across the countryside.

If the figures are to be believed, could the survey – carried out by retailer – suggest that the UK cycling boom could spell the end of the road for the romantic weekend lie-in? A massive 68% of respondents said they would choose a bike ride over an extra hour in bed with their partners.

Sex vs Cycling
“All cycling enthusiasts know how addictive it is as a sport, but even we didn’t expect that so many people would prefer it to a lie in with their other half,” said Tony Booth of All Terrain Cycles.

We at are concerned by the 17% of respondents who would rather do something other than cycling, spending time with the kids, their partner or friends……

It’s not all bad news for relationships, though: while cyclists do seem to be shunning romance in favour of Sunday cycling excursions, one in five said their partner would be their ideal cycling companion. (The second most popular choice, Sir Bradley Wiggins, trailed by a country mile at just 8% of the vote. Partners over Olympic champions, it seems!)
Sex vs Cycling
Lizzie Armitstead and Victoria Pendleton both made the top ten list of dream cycling companions. Bizarrely, disgraced rider Lance Armstrong was the cycling companion of choice for 3% of those polled…

“There were hundreds of individuals named as people’s favourite riding partners, from Ann Widdecombe and Boy George to Bear Grylls and Barak Obama. The top ten choices were mainly from the world of cycling; after spouses and partners, only motorcycle racer Guy Martin from outside the sport,” said Mr Booth.

“We wanted to learn more about what our customers like about the sport, their cycling habits and their views on new technology, as well as the lighter side of the survey there have been some interesting insights into customers’ behaviours and trends,” he added.