Tokyo Fixed

Cycle Clothing

Chapeau! Vamper rounds up the finest cycling caps of the season


September is almost upon us. It’s that time of year: summer is drawing to a close and it’s time to think about your uniform for the year ahead. The school rules are simple where cycling caps are concerned: wear the coolest one you can find. Cycling caps are brilliant: they keep your head warm when the mercury drops, and they soak up the sweat when the temperature’s high. They conceal helmet hair at coffee stops, and they add a little extra pizzazz to your cycling garb. We ❤️ cycling caps.

To help you put together a cool look for the new cycling term, we’ve rounded up some of our favourite cycling caps. Here goes, in no particular order:

PEdAL ED TCR4 Cycling Cap

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A Special Limited Edition cotton cycling cap designed to celebrate the Transcontinental Race, we think this understated PEdAL ED cap is properly sharp. It costs £14 from PedalEd.

Chimpeur Cotton Cycling Cap (Pre Order)

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The excellent new cycling cap from Victory Chimp will ship in early September. Just in time for school. Who wouldn’t want to be a chimpeur? It costs £12.00.


Isadore Apparel Climbers Cap, Fuji

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We love this elegant oriental print from Isadore Apparel. It makes us think of Mt Fuji and cherry blossom. Gorgeous. It costs €19.00.


Look Mum No Hands! Mechanics Greaseproof Cycling Cap

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Look, you know we like some bold cycling kit. But sometimes, stealth is where it’s at. And this Mechanics Greaseproof Cycling Cap from East London’s Look Mum No Hands! is cool AF. It costs £10.00.


Tokyo Fixed Arrows Cycling Cap

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It feels like we have a bit of a Japanese theme running through this post. Here’s another smart, monochrome cycling cap, this time from Tokyo Fixed. It costs £15.00.


The Pedla Head Case / Core Cycling Cap – Yellow

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If the first five were a bit sombre for your liking, how about this sunshine offering from Down Under? It’s gloriously bananas and sure to brighten even the gloomiest autumn day. A reminder of summer on your head at all times. It’s from The Pedla and costs AUD $45.


Seen some good caps that we should know about? Tell us in the comments, or head to Twitter…