I'm so glad you're taking up cycling. Here are a few words of wisdom to help you on your way...
Cycling Tips
All the best cycling hints, tips, hacks and pointers from the Vamper.cc team
The Prudential RideLondon event is almost upon us. Victoria shares some of the worries she had before taking part for the first time...
Travelling with your bike can be a bit of headache, trying to get your head around the various charges, limits and packing stipulations.
I’m now entering the second month of being ‘off-bike’ having received definitive medical advice to remove my posterior from the bike saddle for a prolonged period.
Follow us as we try our hand at track cycling for the first time at Lee Valley Velopark.
Vamper.cc is delighted to be partnering with Aspire PR to bring you a series on the pedElle 2016 charity ride for women in the property industry, organised by Club Peloton, a
I've been feeling tremendously weighed down lately. I lost my cycling mojo. You know how it is: we're in the depths of winter, and the days are woefully short. The
Article by: James Raison from The Lead, Photos by: Chris Komorek, EcoCaddy James Raison talks baby wipes, infinite cassettes, and dishwashing detergent with the Tour Down Under mechanics at the cycling village
Popular cycling fitness specialists Rolling Dynamics have announced the relocation of their headquarters to much larger premises in Chessington South alongside TRG Fitness. The Surrey and South-West London-based group, who
Being saddle sore is not something to just accept. It is not a given. A lot of women labour under the misapprehension that cycling is inherently painful but it needn’t
You will get faster. Two years ago the idea of a sub-twenty minute lap of Richmond Park was unthinkable: now, it's normal. You might think that your current average speed is
In a recent article about cycling participation in The Guardian, one paragraph in particular caught my eye. “For several female participants in the study, being a cyclist – or choosing
We’ve all had one of those rides: a motorist (or pedestrian, or even a fellow cyclist!) has made us fear for our lives while we’re cycling and we want to
With around 25,000 participants and covering 100 miles, the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey sportive is a daunting prospect for many cyclists. This year we took part for the first time and we